The necessary process to recover lost wages after a car accident

Each day, driving in California carries the risk of being in an automobile accident. An aspect of recovering from car accidents means letting injuries heal. Unfortunately, this situation often means losing wages from not being able to work.

What losing wages can affect

Going back to work after a minor accident can be inconvenient but possible. However, major motor vehicle accidents can cause serious injuries. While recovering from post-accident injuries, such as broken bones, concussions and soft tissue damage, you’ll need to attend medical consultations and follow-up appointments. The expenses of these appointments add up fast.

Then, there’s treating your injuries. If post-accident injuries lead to fractured bones and torn muscles or ligaments, you could require surgery to heal. Paying for surgery under normal conditions is difficult enough. Finding the money for surgeries when you’re unable to work can seem impossible.

What to gather before filing a claim

Considering the seriousness of a lost wages claim, California requires that affected employees provide proof of what they claim. A few types of lost wage-related proof can include medical records regarding your recent injuries and pay stubs or paychecks.

Filing a lost wages claim

After gathering your documents and evidence, you can now file a lost wages claim. In California, this claim goes to the Labor Commissioner’s office in the appropriate county where you worked. After filing your claim, you and your employer will receive a notification in the mail about how to proceed.

Accident victims have the right to seek lost wages for financial help after post-accident injuries. Typically, the next step after filing a lost wages claim is attending a settlement hearing with your employer.

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